Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sunrise at the Slough

I recently made a commitment to myself to do what I am calling "soul practices" -- activities I know feed my soul.  Today's practice was to get to Six Mile Cypress Slough right at sunrise.  Get some green space in my life!

I was the first one there -- just the way I like it -- besides one photographer. The reflections of the trees in the pond were particularly beautiful in the morning light. Soon I discovered that part of the boardwalk is closed off temporarily "to protect wildlife."  I wondered just what that meant, since I have never seen them close it before.

I walked slowly, listening to the various bird calls, and came to the Pop Ash Pond. I spotted a pair of cardinals, she with an neon orange beak.  I got a picture of him, but she disappeared before I got her. There weren't any other birds in the pond, until I walked away.  I heard a splashing sound, so I went back. There was an anhinga that had just come out of the water and was on a tree.


Mr. Cardinal. Misses flew away

Just past the Otter Pond is where the boardwalk was closed in the other direction. At the Otter Pond, there were lots of grunts from a gator or pig frog -- couldn't tell which.  Again, not a lot happening.

Until I walked away.  Then I heard a LOUD scream, and the sound of birds squawking. Then silence.  I smiled in amusement. Someone was mad!

But then I realized -- that was probably the scream of a panther. Most likely the wildlife they are protecting is a mama panther and her babies. I can't find anything about it online, but WOW. 

On my way back I was delighted to find apple snails chilling close to the boardwalk. That was a first for me.

All and all, a memorable and soulful morning at the Slough.

Apple snails
Hiding place

Pond apples

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