Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Here's My Brushstroke

My Tuesday poet is Nick Flynn, and today I read his poem "the baffled king composing hallelujah." In it was a quote from Krishna talking to Arjuna in a story from the Bhagavad Gita:

"We'll never untangle the circumstances that brought us to this moment."

And I wrote:

I have to take Nick's word
for it that this is a
real quote. He's good
about these things. And
I sit here in July of 2018
and think about our country
and the education system
and I know I am one person
and I know I can have an
affect -- I do not doubt that.
In every moment I am making
a choice in this regard: do I
love or do I run on fear? The
world we've known is gone.
Time to create a new one.

Here is my brushstroke.

7:14 am

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