Wednesday, July 12, 2017

UNBOUND #4 & #5

The influence of Julia Cameron continues to be felt, as the poem was inspired by her essay on jealousy as a barrier to creativity.  The next poem came after doing my Morning Pages today, the necessary technique to clear the air in our mind each morning.  The opening line came to me when I was walking across the room to get coffee, and I had to rush back and write it down before I forgot about it.


Until you admit you are jealous

Nibbling irritations continue;

Blocks rise up like sentry gates.

Only say the word, recognize it,

Unmask it for what it is -- a

Nemesis of your direction, your dreams

Dissembling all that could be.


Useful. Everything is useful.

Neglect this advice at your peril.

Bring to the light all your darkness.

Open it. Peer inside; don't be afraid.

Undiscovering it is what does the damage.

Now. In this moment,

Depose the demons that stall your progress.

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