Monday, September 9, 2024

Hanging On


My friend Kara has a saying for when we’re going through tough times:

Look for the lighthouses.

The lighthouses are the people that have gone through their own difficulties and have come shining through.

We can look to them for inspiration of how to move forward through our own trials and tribulations.

It reminds me of this plant that I saw growing out of vent on top of a hospital building.

I watched this guy get whipped around in the wind and the rain during some tremendous storms, yet he kept hanging on.

I continue to be in the midst of storms I never expected to encounter in my life. This little guy is one of my lighthouses. I find a strange comfort in knowing he’s out there in the blazing sun every day, hanging on by a thread during whatever nature throws at him

I think he’ll make it. I know I will.

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