Thursday, June 6, 2024


It’s a New Moon, and I have pulled the Turtle card. I feel the message here is appropriate for where I am right now, and so I am documenting here for reference. Overall it’s about right use of energy, connecting with nature, and staying grounded and grateful.

Maybe some of this will speak to my readers.

Turtle is the personification of Goddess energy

Turtle teaches how to use protection

Honor the creative source in you, be grounded, observe with compassion

Use earth and water energies to flow harmoniously with your situation and place your feet firmly on the ground

In learning to ground, you are placing focus on your thoughts and actions and slowing to a pace that assures completion

Don’t “push the river”

Develop your ideas before bringing to light

Connect to the power of Mother Earth

Use her energy to aid you, and you will be healed enough to share this energy with others

You are not a victim, and you are not helpless, in your present situation

From a grateful heart, look for the abundance of alternatives that Mother Earth gives

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