Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wolf Revisited

About a month ago I wrote about Wolf Medicine. I applied it as well as I could to my last few weeks of school. As a reminder, here were the suggestions:

Expand your limited view of the present situation

Look and new ideas—delete old ideas

In the discovery and rediscovery of every inch of ground comes the knowledge that nothing remains the same

Wolf is urging you to seek teachers and pathfinders that will show the way to new life experiences

The teacher can be a small still voice inside, a person, a leaf, a cloud, a stone, a tree, a book, or the Great Spirit

Take up the sense of adventure

After Monday’s shock to my system, I knew I had to correct my thinking. I have started reading Think Again by Adam Grant and it is helping me see I’ve caused my own distress by being married to certain ideas. Things are changing and I can dig in or I can discover new ways of being.

Coming back to Wolf, I see I have to delete old ideas and welcome in new ones. I do have a limited view on what makes me a satisfied and productive teacher —a view that already has been altered by my forced absences this past semester. (I’ve always thought I need to be there…but the kids thrived anyway, I had to find new ways to make that happen.)

Of course, I’d like my final year to be perfect…but it was never going to be that way. Now it presents challenges that will force me to rethink how I do my job, how I run my classes. 

This is not a bad thing.

Tomorrow is the New Moon, and I will enter a new medicine phase. Meanwhile, I thank Wolf for pointing the way and helping me see that clinging to old ideas is never healthy or helpful.

On to a new adventure!

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