Saturday, June 1, 2024

Just Write

You know what? Just write. 
Show up every day and write something. 
And keep writing. Even when you think you
don't have something to say, just do it. And 
wonderful things will happen. -- Paul McCartney

I saw this and knew I had to take a moment on this blog to celebrate that I have come this far and have been writing every day. Today I am closing in on five full months of writing every day.

Paul's advice isn't new by any means -- I've heard it from every writer I admire: Anne Lamott, Julia Cameron, Natalie Goldberg, and more. But it never gets old. And when I see how it has worked for me this year of all years, how I've been able to keep it going without fail...well, wonderful things have happened. I keep in touch with myself and my friends can keep in touch with me. I find I have to stretch at times, but that is as it should be. 

When Jim got ill, I was worried at first -- could I keep up? I'm glad to report it has not been a problem. 

Writing every day reinforces to me once again that this is my vocation. Putting words on the page has been a huge part of my life as far back as I can remember. It is my expression, my pathway, my savior. 

I say this coming off a year where I didn't write much beyond in my journal, and it was a bit of a hole in my life. I committed to this year because of my lack of motion last year. I've come to realize that hole was needed to give me something to fill this year. 

I’m facing a different kind of summer, and this project will be something to keep me afloat. I can’t wait to see where it takes me 🩵🩷💚


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