Friday, May 31, 2024

A Happy Birthday Party 1989

Dad wearing the shirt I bought him

Today it is 26 years since my father passed away. I decided to do something a little different to commemorate the day. I pulled out pictures from his 60th birthday party my mom organized at their house. I remember that day. The weather was perfect. A lot of family was there. My dad was having the time of his life. The photos pick up the flavor of the day. I am grateful for this memory.

Dad freshening the water so Kim could play

Emily getting ready for the water attack

She got Jim

She got me

Martin the grill master

Margie, me, mom, Jim

John & Cheryl

The cake

His new baseball mitt

Dad being dad!
Hard to believe it's been 26 years.
I miss this man with every cell of my being.

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