Monday, May 13, 2024

“Living from the Inside Out”


I read a commencement address Parker Palmer gave at Naropa University in 2015. It has the same title as this blog.

There were two quotes I pulled out:

To grow in love and service, you must value ignorance as much as knowledge and failure as much as success.

…walk straight into your not knowing, and take the risk of failing and falling, again and again.

After reflecting on these a bit, I went on to write in my journal, and some really great ideas took form in an unexpected way. I’ve been thinking about how to approach things next year, and I had yet to tie it all together. I remembered things I had forgotten all about, and found they were a perfect fit for what I am trying to accomplish.

This all has to do with teaching, of course. I have annoyed myself sometimes when I look back on the blog and see how I rise and fall, commit and lose track, again and again. I secretly wonder if others are reading these words and saying to themselves “Hasn’t she figured it out yet?”

Parker’s words about living from the inside hit home because that is what I am doing in most instances…until I forget and try to control from the outside. When I think I’ve figured it out, I do my best to move forward. Yet, things throw me off track. Seems so repetitive.

But then, I wouldn’t take any action if I didn’t think I knew the way…right?

Still, not knowing can be valuable. Beginner’s mind. And taking a huge dose of that with my ideas is definitely something I need to remember to do. I need to allow for some innovation and adjustment.


I’m documenting some things here so I won’t forget. One of the things I remembered was the interactive journal, which I haven’t used in years. Once the Chromebook took over, the journal seemed outdated and lunky. But after this year I realize how deeply necessary it is. Not every day, but definitely on a regular basis. 

The other thing I remembered was my acronym BRIDGE that is now taking on new dimensions as well. This is a mnemonic I created a few years ago:


I have already seen how these simple steps can be used to enhance the Global Perspectives curriculum. I’m going to keep fitting the pieces together, based on what I’ve learned in my years of teaching this course. Believe me, it can be pretty dry. I need a decent plan to accomplish what needs to be done.  I found it by looking a bit to the past, looking inside, and being willing to give form to it. 

I chose the graphic on this blog because of the spiral nature, but also the many designs and colors combining into a unified whole. This piece of art speaks to how variety can be enhancing and enlivening.

May I live that idea inside my classroom every day.

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