Saturday, March 9, 2024


 Carried by a strong current,
you and the others with you 
seem to be making decisions, 
but you’re not.
(Rumi “Thorn Witness”)

The Long Leg (1930) Edward Hopper

Why did this line reach out to me and not let go?

Maybe I am just moving to the currents of the Universe.

And it only seems like I have a modicum of power.

I read Mary Oliver’s essay “Blue Pastures” 
which essentially is about the ocean.

And she details all types of fish caught, 
describes them and her experiences.

The casting, the cleaning, the ultimate meal.
The bulbous body of a floating ocean sunfish.

She seemed to be carried by the 
strong current of sharing this information.

Yesterday I had to take Jim to Lee Memorial for a procedure.

I consciously saw each person we encountered as a golden light.

I blessed them as they walked the halls
Worked the desks. Pushed the wheelchairs.

No, I didn’t decide to cast my vote for this current situation.
Someone else cast me in this role.
The best I can do is cast a little love and light along the way.
Smooth the path a bit for myself and others.

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