Saturday, February 3, 2024

No Pep Talk Needed Today

 I went to a concert last night. After the week I had, the timing was perfect.

I had never been a Tanya Tucker fan. The whole world was aware when she came on the scene at 14-years-old in 1972, but I was not interested. Over the years I came to know many of her songs, and last night as she sang some of them, I realized how much I actually like them! I particularly enjoyed “It’s a Little Too Late” and “Strong Enough to Bend” (which made me cry.)

But that isn’t why I wanted to see her. Last year, I learned that she put out a second album with Brandi Carlile and Shooter Jennings as producers. I thought I’d give Sweet Western Sound a listen, not realizing how deeply I would fall in love with it. It’s not lost on me that perhaps it is meant for people in my age group (Tanya is 3 years younger than I am). After all, she wrote a song called “Dear Linda” about Linda Ronstadt’s influence on her. I’d say that’s a woman who knows me! 

Most of the audience was my age and younger. A woman next to me who brought her daughters said she was 60. It was clear that not the entire audience knew the newer songs. But Tanya is a pro, and she introduced the audience to several of the songs I love, and I’m sure she earned herself a lot more sales as a result.

But the reason I’m writing is not a concert review, but rather how uplifted I am by the experience.  I woke this morning alive and talking, none of the scary shit running through my brain. Admittedly, I’ve had to give myself a pep talk every day to stay in line with what I know to be true. It is already well documented in the blog, and will continue to be so. 

But today I feel free from that. Once again, music has provided a much-needed healing balm. And right now, that is highly welcome in my life. 

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