Sunday, February 4, 2024

Don’t Shake the Snow Globe

 Spontaneous poem…

I was up at 4:25 today desperate to get grading done

Two more assignments in two classes—too many students!

I listened to comforting music and I cried from worry

And I cried from comfort it gave me

And I thought about what to write here today 

I read this morning that “emotional constriction does not serve”

And boy, I’m finding that is true

I get caught up in Jim’s health

Is he breathing okay? Will he ever not be exhausted?

Does he need me to be here every minute?

And the worst one: How long does he have?

All kinds of worrisome nonsense not serving anyone

Least of all me

They feel like good questions in the moment

But it is simply shaking up the snow globe of fear

And truly does not help a thing

And as I contemplate all of this

Jim walks out with a laundry basket and puts in a load

I vow again to just appreciate what is

Let the snow globe settle

Be at some kind of peace

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