Thursday, February 1, 2024

Miracles at Hand

 It’s now a week Jim has been in the hospital. I’m maintaining pretty well, although I really would prefer he was home. What I want to do this morning is focus on the miracles around me.

The miracle of medicine and healing that many have dedicated their lives to expand with compassionate hearts and minds. I’ve met so many who are full of cheer and understanding, and I am grateful.

The miracle of information. We see reports shortly after tests and this information helps us see the picture more clearly.

The miracle of my friends who reach out. I’m too crazed right now to make a phone call, but this who have called me I found to be lifesavers. Thank you.

The miracle of those who are stepping in to be with my students while I can’t be there. I know the sacrifice, and I’ll never be able to repay them.

The miracle of a musical theater production to take me away from my current challenges. Hadestown provided a moving experience as well as a message I am using daily: Never doubt.

The miracle of experience with difficulties. In June 1993, when Jim was facing a rough back surgery and the future looked shaky, I called to the Holy Spirit for help. I heard and wrote down these words, which I carry in my heart and call on when I need them:

Do not be afraid
Everything will be alright
Do not spend one more minute of worry
Did you ever think you’d be left without a way?
You’ll know what to do and when to do it
Do not be afraid
Everything will be alright

I recorded this in my journal today and then spontaneously wrote:

I will continue to listen for guidance from the One who knows what I need most. I vow to continue to look for everyday miracles because in my best days, I know that is the entire purpose of our being here. 

I won’t throw away my miracle.

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