Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Don’t Honey Badger Me

 A couple of weeks ago a work colleague sent me this article. We deal with a lot of the same 7th grade students…

Generation Alpha—Honey Badgers

Basically, a honey badger is one that will go after anyone or anything at anytime for any reason. We have a generation who will call out any injustice they see, real or imagined. 

Here is one example of how this manifests. This exchange took place Monday with a boy I’ll call J. Keep in mind, their phones are to be silenced and zipped in their backpacks.

J: Miss, can I charge my phone?

Me: No.

J: What if I put it on your desk?

Me: No.

J: Do you charge your phone? I see a charger there.

Me: Stop trying to honey badger me. Your phone is not allowed to be out. End of conversation.

Just for fun, check out this hilarious video about the honey badger. And say a prayer for all of us that have to try to deal with these vicious creatures! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Well I see the kids point. I was raised with the do what I say not what I do and it is grossly unfair.


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