Monday, January 15, 2024

Sacred Nature Yoga

With great joy I attended a Stretch & Strengthen yoga class this morning at a brand new studio, owned by one of my favorite instructors, Jamie. Sacred Nature has opened in the old Yoga Bird location at Royal Palm Square Shopping Center. 

“Nurture with Nature”

The environment Jamie has creating is truly nurturing. I have never seen so many plants in a yoga center! There are many unique touches, including a “Celebrate Our Teachers” bulletin board, where anyone can post a picture of someone who has been a teacher to them, and a little shop where nothing is more than $5, and all proceeds got to one of two charities.

Here’s a little tour. Captions under the photos provide further explanation.

Plants serve many metaphorical opportunities.

The front of the studio. So many plants!

Owner Jamie

There are some sweet touches throughout the studio.

One by one,  the plants are being named. I named the bigger one Stella.

I chose this quote design on the floor to place my mat for class. Each quote is unique.

If you are in the Fort Myers area and are looking for an inviting and inspiring yoga studio, check out Sacred Nature Studio.

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