Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I’m Not Buying

 Journal entry today:

I had plenty of preparation to do yesterday, but I did none of it. Rather, I finished a novel I was reading.

Yes, I feel the stress of this. On top of it, the things I needed to prep are “off script”—things that came to me and said DO THIS.  I’m brave when I hear those words in my heart and soul, but a couple days later I start wavering.

I read a Rumi poem called “I’m Not This”  and know some truth is there.

I got a glimpse.

My body is strong and rested. My soul feels blessed from an incredible yoga class yesterday.

I don’t feel teacher ready…but my focus is clear.

I can stand in front of my learners today, wholly me and ready to give them another large dollop of positive and loving direction.

What did they use to tell us when I was in sales? You can buy your customer’s story, or you can sell them yours.

I have been inspired by the best. I have listened for what I need to do.

Why do I doubt?

I am not this!

And I’m not buying any story that says I’m doing it wrong, especially from myself.

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