Saturday, April 16, 2022

Unfolding (7 Lines/7 Days #100)


April 10-16, 2022


Crystal Bowl Meditation is back, and what a wonderful way to untie all the knots!

Winding down the school year with the goal of giving them the best that I've got.

Put the Three Big Questions (Kylene Beers) in front of my kids when we read about Lebron James. I could hear them THINKING.

My stepson is suffering another bout of cancer. Prayers needed.

We had a good PLC talking about how we can best support monolinguals. We need a lot more sessions like that!

Friday was great--beach walk, lunch with a friend, and a massage.

Came across the word "unfolding" in more than one thing I read. A beautiful and gentle word that prompts a question for spring: What is unfolding for me now?

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