Sunday, April 10, 2022

49. "Fifty" Revisited



It is the smallest class, the one I previously wrote about, who has changed the most. 

No is mostly because one boy hasn't been coming to school.

Another falls right to sleep because all the sites he wants to go to on his Chromebook are blocked.

Another changed his tune after spring break. Threats from mom? Maturing? Hard to say for sure.

The biggest surprise -- the boy that has been disengaged and goofy all year suddenly paying attention, participating, doing his work. More than one day in a row now...

Ah...but my largest, most spirited class...

two monolinguals added.

The temperature turned up.

I take my Rescue Remedy.

And just pray I'll make it through.

Still...the good news is that I haven't added to the fifty referrals.

And hell...maybe I won't!

I can only hope...

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