Saturday, December 18, 2021

Shifting (7 Lines/7 Days #83)


December 12-18, 2021

Crystal Bowl Meditation removed all the knots in my neck and shoulders. 

On Monday, I had a hard time feeling any love or joy at work because I had gotten all wrapped up in the numbers. 

I’ve decided I can’t be a Read 180 fascist. 

Found a way to lift a student’s spirits and belief in herself, and that felt good. 

Something shifted and I’m back in teacher mode. Wasn’t sure when or if that would ever happen.

On Friday I discovered how vulnerable I am, and it sent me reeling for hours. Fortunately it took place in a safe space, and I’m so grateful for wonderful friends.

If nothing else, I needed this week for everything to settle in, and to see once again how resilient I am.

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