Saturday, April 10, 2021

Standing on Solid Ground (7 Lines/7 Days #47)



April 4-10, 2021



I had a dream I was driving down an extremely steep road and was terrified, but made it safely to the bottom and solid ground. Upon waking, I could see it was a metaphor for this school year.

The last 2 mornings in nature were magically perfect. So many birds! There are angels all around us.

I kept reminding myself to say in the moment and it came in handy when Jim's eye blew up again and we was in horrible pain.

I just have to take things as they come.

The Universe gifts me with courage.

It was announced Home Connect will be gone next year. I celebrated by making a list of all the teaching techniques I can use when I don't have to worry about including kids on Zoom. HOO-RAY!!!

68 more days until the last day of school.

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