Saturday, October 31, 2020

Magnifying Glass (7 Lines/7 Days #24)



October 25-31, 2020


 The election is on my mind. I pray for a BLUE WAVE.

Damn. Just found out that the three hours I spent putting in comments for interims didn't save. Start over.

I have been increasingly short with my students and I DON'T WANT TO BE THAT PERSON.

This quarter beat me up. I've been living on Advil and Biofreeze for the last few weeks, and it's getting old.

I've got to get back to recording some lessons. I'm wearing myself out.

Aah! I had my grades done and signed off by noon --that was a huge relief!

Magnify the good.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

So Many Ideas! (7 Lines/ 7 Days #23)


October 18-24, 2020


 Having a plan relieves my stress.

Been focusing on the moment as I find myself thinking ahead and sometimes worry comes across me about imagined ills in the future and ya know, that doesn't help anyone.

Had a crazy dream there was an early pizza party at work and I arrived late. I was pizza before 9 a.m.  The place was rockin'.

I ordered another Regina Brett book because I need uplifting stories. The Psalms aren't doing it!

I had a relaxing planning period -- first one all year.

I'm glad I have the weekend to chill.

So many ideas coming my way!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sigh of Relief (7 Lines/ 7 Days #22)



October 11 - 17, 2020



It was with dedicated time and energy I got every bit of grading done.

A seriously monumental feat.

When I remember to let her, God is my guide always.

We have got to heal...for our children...for our democracy...for all of us.

I feel like I'm finally getting to know the ins and outs of these kids.

Yesterday I implemented a policy to stop the ridiculous practice of turning in blank documents.

Then I came up with a "Pathway to Success" to help failing kids. I could hear a collective sigh of relief.



Sunday, October 11, 2020

Bridge (7 Lines/ 7 Days #21)

 #108 Weeks

October 4-10, 2020



This week has flown

Slept beautifully last night. I feel rested and in good spirits

I just have to keep letting go 

                               letting go 

                               letting go

Just for today, I will be unafraid

Remember to Find Joy and All Will Be Well

So many ideas, 

                       so little time

Build Relationships...Illuminate Discovery...Generate Expression

Sunday, October 4, 2020

One Tough Week (7 Lines/ 7 Days #20)



September 27 - October 3, 2020

The "Relieve Breathlessness" music is really helping me.

I'm very excited about my teaching plan.

I hit a breaking point. I'm tired. So much adrenaline.

Yes...back to realizing how easy it has become to sink back into fear

When I remember to love, all power is mine through God

God is always listening -- it is me who can be deaf

All things work together for good and it serves me

Around and Around We Go

 It is Thursday, and my first thought is Why is the summer going so fast? My second is How will I ever get everything accomplished I need to...