Saturday, August 8, 2020

Ode to Joy Harjo

 Thank you, Joy Harjo

Poet Laureate and saxophone player

for your perspective on

American life that reaches

all of us with kindness and

                      spirit and

                     sometimes uncomfortable bluntness.

Thank you, Joy Harjo

for announcing the moments we become human

and declaring when the sunrise will burst forth.

Thank you, Joy Harjo

for reminding me that we all have

a Council of Guardians watching over us,

gently pushing us to be the best version

of ourselves, and never letting us get 

away with less.

Thank you, Joy Harjo,

for helping us to remember 

                     to dance

                    and chant

                    and allow the rain of

                   history to drench us in

                  forgiving truth.





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