Saturday, August 29, 2020

Mad Lib

 Inspired by January O'Neil's poem "Mad Lib for Ella"

It's already 3:30 on a Saturday, 

the one before kids come back. 

I want to feel at rested and ready, 
but I don't. Spent way too
much time making docs and trying
to make sense but honestly,
I don't know what anything will
really be like. So now I look at
the fluffy afternoon August clouds
and realize it's almost September
in the weirdest year of my life --
in all our lives. Everything we took
for granted -- movies, concerts, parties,
and school events -- have disappeared.
Every day is a new lesson in unanswered
questions and wondering and just
trying to be present in our own
hearts and minds and to be
present for others. 2020 appears 
to be one long Mad Lib that keeps
going and going -- we never know 
what word will appear next.
And we've given up trying to make meaning.

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