Sunday, February 2, 2020

32. Everything I Need to Know


It has been the most easy-going quarter of my entire teaching career.

I feel like I've finally landed in a zone. I am teaching FOUR creative writing classes -- what a DREAM!

I am teaching one advanced reading, but I had figured out the best way to approach the current unit last year, so PIECE OF CAKE.

I am following a clearly defined program with intensive readers. I couldn't be happier. So much less work for me. Always thought I'd hate this kind of thing, but this one is particularly good. And Lord knows -- NOT easy for the kids. I'm still using my skills as a teacher to get them where they need to be.

My room is decorated with my creative writing students' work. We riffed off of Robert Fulghum's "All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten."  With our new focus on publication and presentation, they were to create a hard copy version with some kind of image/decoration. The creative end of this was a lot of fun for those who dove in to make it a worthwhile activity -- which was most of them. I must say, I'm pleased with the way things are going, and I am working on taking them deeper and getting into more complex ideas and forms.

It's February, and everything I need to know is right in front of me: Be creative. Have fun. Be flexible. Don't stress.

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