Thursday, January 2, 2020


Today I read David Kirby's poem "Look, Slavs" and loved the ending line:

Only people who aren't us can tell us who we are.

I decided to make a poem from this -- one we often call an "Inner Voice" poem, for lack of a better term.  However, I recently learned these are called spine poems, which makes perfect sense.

Only a new year can bring this commitment among
people, as we think we can and will be better.
Who doesn't love a new beginning?
Aren't we always getting tired of repetition? It's in
us to want to explore the new.

Can you tell we are Americans? Can you
tell we never want to stop? Look at all Manifest Destiny gave
us! There was not tiring out. And those
who made the trips across the plains and mountains know better than
we the true cost. They may have searched and found gold, but we
are the beneficiaries, the ones who glitter, the ones who want everything new.

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