Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20. Calm


Today I was heading into the cafeteria for my teacher lunch when one of our counselors stopped me. We have a student at our school--a 6th grader--I will call Harry since his initials are the same as Harry Potter. Anyway, as quiet and good as Harry is in my class, it turns out he is a raging bear when it comes to going to school. He misses a lot of days because he throws such angry tantrums he scares his parents into letting him stay home. The weird thing is this has been going on since 3rd grade, yet to this day no one has figured out the root cause of his angst. He is just a little quiet guy so learning this about him took us all by surprise.

The counselor stopped me to say he was in school today (he's been out the past 2 weeks),  and that he had told her he liked my class best because it's calm. I had to giggle. He's in 10th period with a few characters who want to do anything but work. Harry sits with other super quiet kids, so I guess that is his frame of reference. I wouldn't classify the class as calm.

When I giggled, Betty assured me that she knew this was the truth about my class because other kids have told her the same thing. I decided to just take the compliment the way she meant it. The day before our ESE specialist had said something along the same lines. I had giggled then, too.

So many times I feel things are just crazy out of control. But I'm beginning to realize it's just my faulty perception. I will give myself credit for what is going right, and call it a win. 😀

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