Saturday, October 19, 2019

19. Things I Am Noticing


This is not pre-planned. I've made no list. I just found myself here and felt it was time to just write about the things I noticed this week.

1. I gave my readers a survey and noticed that in general, things are in positive motion.

2. I hung up my Dream Flag for the first time in my CLMS classroom, and it is a beautiful companion.

3. I gave up hope that my disruptive learners would act differently. It enabled me to take more relaxed action when they did.

4. I was able to think creatively about how to handle specific situations with my advanced readers.

5. I'm developing different and more expansive ways to realize literacy.

6. The calendar seems to be my enemy at times because I have so many ideas. This has caused me to layer ideas together in integrated ways, yet still get the job done.

7. I found myself tuning in to learners who have been on the fringes. That felt good.

8. I introduced Doodle Notes to my readers with great success.

9. I feel bad I haven't gotten to found poetry yet.

10. I'm enjoying seeing the little successes every day.

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