Wednesday, October 2, 2019

16. (More Than) One Plastic Bag


Getting ready to experience the Global Read Aloud with the book The Bridge Home has made me seek out a number of different ideas. When the whole world is planning to teach the same unit, you would be absolutely amazed at the resources pulled together.

Today I had an open space with my 8th period I could have filled with something else. But I felt that their commitment to getting their work done and being such a great class deserved a little something extra. This is where the book One Plastic Bag came in, a picture book recommended to go with The Bridge Home.

One Plastic Bag is about a group of women in Gambia who figured out a way to use the plastic bags that were littering the landscape. They created out a way to spool them in strips and crochet them into little purses. It changed their lives and the environment. (See the purses here)

We read the book together, learning a few cool words along the way, and then I pulled out the activity. Let's make a jump rope from plastic bags.

I had brought all the bags I had from home. I ran a video explanation. And the kids took it from there. In no time at all, we had a usable jump rope. I even had yearbook come to take some pictures while they worked.

Everyone pitched in on the effort. Check out the photos!

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