Tuesday, October 1, 2019

15. October Motto


A couple of years ago our Reading Coach got us all these little magnetic white boards so we can display special messages. I've used it in a variety of ways, and this year the plan is to broadcast my "monthly motto."  For September it was "All You Need is Love."  Today, I updated it for October. 

Over the weekend I thought a lot about the importance of "how."  Learners often don't know why they are doing things, and they also don't care how they do them. I want to put more emphasis on how we attain mastery, how we deepen our personal identities, and how we can be more creative. Mastery, Identity, and Creativity are why we do what we do--everything has to filter through that. But HOW we do it--that is where our values come in. Things like respect, responsibility, risk-taking, and making sure everyone feels like they belong. It's a work in progress, but the feeling in the classroom today was very positive as we progressed on our "whys" and paid attention to our "hows."  

Other Highpoints:
Shark Tanks are going well in Speech & Debate. My AP --a speech teaching guru himself--happened to stop in while one was going on. He got curious and stayed a while. The kids are really being sharks when it comes to picking apart the ideas presented. I'm happy to report that out of 4 presentations, two got funded!  

Intensive readers tried their skill at summary writing based on the close reading we did on Chapter One of House on Mango Street. This is the first assignment I'm actually putting a mastery score in the  gradebook. Happy to report that a majority hit the mark. 

Creative Writing started prepping for writing Post-It Note Plays. Their overarching theme is "actions have consequences."  We will continue this on Thursday, so hope to have more to report then. 


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