Monday, March 4, 2019


Today I taught extended metaphor poems in my Creative Writing class, and decided I'd better write one of my own.  I'm deeply involved in Barbara Kingsolver's new novel Unsheltered, so I wrote about one of the main characters.

She’s a rock formation
In a foundation-less world.
Lost in the woods
When she least expects it.
Her field of frustrations--
Sinkholes in the earth--
Are an abandoned son,
A rebellious daughter,
And now a grandson,
This motherless child,
Who should be the sky
That graces Willa's landscape.
Hard to deal with when she
Has nowhere to plant her feet.

Yet, the meadow has flowers
And Willa wants to touch them.
Birds fly over the ocean
Following their own map.
Maybe someday she can find hers,
When anxiety gets controlled
And she takes the next step,
The one that will find her standing
In the clear light of day
On solid ground…

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