Wednesday, February 27, 2019

In a "New Year" Moment

Today  I started a new poetry book by Rafael Campo. This is inspired by his poem "On New Years Day."  The first and last lines are his.

If hopefulness resides in what we can
teach, then let's teach about
human frailty and social injustice.
Let's dive into the Transcendentalists
and the Modernists and the Beat Poets
and take something for ourselves.
Let's see if the First Amendment is
working and if we can emulate
Longfellow or Collins or Herrera.
If we can hope for a better life for
everyone, let's think about who
"Everyone" includes--and not just
make it about Someone. Let us be
honest about the Vietnam War and
Martin Luther King and the 1980's.

Because if today is anything it's
the beginning of a fierce reckoning;
it is opening to something new;
it is beginning to be free.

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