Saturday, November 24, 2018

Spectrum 2

More student poems using one or more of these forms: Golden Shovel, Found, or Inner Voice

Swirling Light

Oscillating, gliding, spinning
Isabella takes it slow
Her smile sends out a beam
of acceptance, love of life, of
glitter and swirling light.

She is warm sky,
blinking mirror,
an illuminating lighthouse.

Lesley Surprises

Lesley surprises when we discover
she has a creative brilliance; it's
evident when she come out of the shadow
she maintains around herself, and
takes the chance on breaking the silence.

Maddenly Elusive

Seth, oh Seth, can be maddenly
contrary, knows the game, elusive
and hard to pin down, yet
he baits the teachers endlessly,
so to doubt him is tempting...

but truly unnecessary.

 Winding Stream

In the morning it's like
any other day, the school her world,
and the day hers to cruise.
This, of course, is well before
I see her in class, bright smile, the
sunshine to any rain
which may have come before;
Skylar is a winding stream of wonderful.

Silver Sun

Morning arrives, and J'myah, too
Sun in her eyes, her smile
Turns to the focus, always with us
Silver friendships surround her
On her way to see dreams come true
Pointed toward that which matters most.

 Classic Hero

Ash is a mirror, and on
most mornings you'll wake 
feeling not particularly heroic,
but willing to glisten.
Easy listening, well-mannered, subdued grin
Fierce attention to dirt one might possess.
You are classical, Santiago,
blue crystals ground-fine
fresh, newly-heard harmonies. 


To Ayden the world is a playground.
He has no time to ask hard questions,
like whether intellligence exists.
What's the point when activity awaits?
Sagas rising and falling to the orbs of jump ropes,
grasping monkey bars
the mighty hero of recess
victorious on imagined battlefields.

Found poem for Jayla

Start climbing
the going gets steep
find the agreeable rock to sit on
see the light pouring down
breaking into shapes and tones
hear nothing but birdsong
the voices and light
enter your body;
recite their stories.
the earth will hold you
spring water flows
shadows of clouds
take the vast outside into yourself
I will walk with you
until you walk ahead and not turn back.

"Silk City" by Major Jackson
"The Old Tradition" by David Whyte
"Maddenly Elusive, Yet Endlessly Tempting" by Major Jackson
"Urban Renewal XIV" by Major Jackson
"Easter Morning in Wales" by David Whyte
"Urban Renewal XVI" by Major Jackson
"Urban Renewal XVII" by Major Jackson
"Directions" by Billy Collins

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