Saturday, October 27, 2018

Becoming Readers

As I completed the sixth poem in this collection, I realized that each of these readers has a special relationship to reading. I suppose we all do. But I have observed the growing interest in these students. This time I have associated book titles with them.

First Seed

She is "Z" to us
Za'Kerrial, invisible realm
face like the sun
a first seed breaking open
a lark soaring over the meadow
A present and lovely treasure.

Flickering Star

Rumor has it she is brilliant
Among the multitudes that shine
The way Jesenia moves
A Star that often hides in the sky
Dimension of youth appealing
Lost, then found

Winter Sun

like the winter sun
Lauren is white ocean sky
a blue edge
an arch
a warm south wind
drifting, curving, dancing

Being Berkley

Can she be any easier to
teach? -- Berkley is one --
the one -- open to learning like a
flower, interested, exploring, striving
to succeed at it all,
growing day by day.

The Measure of Matthew

Here is the measure
of a young man, this
"gift from God" Matthew,
he has a readiness
for learning and quiet...
composing in clear lines,
finding himself
in everything.

Falling In

It seems to be what she wanted
a place that all of us
long for, a book to
fall into. It was the look
in Flaurise's eye that told me
she had fallen already.

pointing toward the sky
pointing toward herself.


All poems inspired by other poems. Some of these are found poems, some Golden Shovel poems, some are Inner Voice -- word acrostic.  Sources listed in order below.

 "Before there was a trace..." by Bibi Hayati
 "Is Love" by Maya Angelou
 "Watching Crow, Looking South Toward the Manzano Mountains" by Joy Harjo
 "Thus Spake the Mockingbird" by Barbara Hamby
"Cotsworld" by David Whyte
"First Reader" by Billy Collins

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