Sunday, September 2, 2018

Questions About Carrots

(inspired by Billy Collins’ “Questions About Angels” but way sillier)

Of all the questions you might
ask about carrots, the question
“What’s up, Doc” seems most
appropriate and universal.

After all, isn’t Bugs Bunny the
Number One Carrot-Eater we
know, besides maybe the
Easter Bunny, who comes in
many guises and yes, usually
with a carrot in tow. But that's
just in the spring.

Do carrots know they are being
eaten? Do they miss their
greenery when it is shorn off
to be more acceptable to your
average suburban shopper?
Do they know that there are “baby”
versions of themselves, carrots never
allowed to grow up? Do they realize they
don’t just come in orange now, but in black, red,
white, purple, and yellow, with questionable
Vitamin K and beta-carotene, I would guess.
Isn’t that what the orange is for? And why purple?

What are the sleeping habits of carrots?
Do they love being snuggled deep in the earth,
moist and cozy, pulling down the sunlight from
their exposed greenery? What goes on with
these root veggies underground? Are there parties?
Lessons? Do they aspire to being chosen by a
rich actress or pro football player to be brought
back to a subzero fridge until the day of their
demise? Or do they simply hope to feed a child?

No, it seems none of these questions are asked
or answered. Instead, we have Bugs asking, “What’s up, Doc?”
as he crunches and munches, putting in his time for
a carrot-a-day, a worthy payment for a trickster rabbit,
one who never reveals how he comes into possession
of his precious orange treasures. And what of us? Dipping
 those baby carrots into ranch dressing at cocktail parties,
never thinking twice about the questions we could ask,
too accepting of the mangled carrot lineage, just accepting
that a carrot a day could keep the doctor away, and that’s what’s up.

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