Saturday, September 8, 2018


This poem surfaced again today in my daily reading. Billy has so many good poems, it is hard to pick a favorite, but this one is right up there. Here is my response. (Reading his will help make more sense of my poem.)


Billy really nails this
and makes me think
of the gazillion books
I've read over the years,
some I probably loved, but
now don't remember the title
or author or even basic

And then all those concerts
and shows I attended. I know I saw
Bad Company and Jethro
Tull in the 70's, but absolutely
nothing stands out, except
perhaps who I was with.
Same goes for Fleetwood Mac.
Totally forgettable.

But even more so, Billy
taps into my forgetfulness
becoming increasingly noticeable
 now at the age of 63. Seems to be
 a turning point. Unremembering
the date of a dinner, or where the 
water fountain is at Publix, or the
important email I have to get to.
I blame it on dehydration, only so 
I don't have to blame it on aging.

Yet, it's there, I cannot deny it.

I don't recall the capital of 
Paraguay, nor do I care. And
if I need to remember a poem
I loved, I can look it up. Or it
will find me someday, like
poems usually do, unbidden.

I'm comforted by this thought:
the things I need to remember
are here:  the present moment

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