Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Today I read a poem by Joy Harjo called "Naming" which was about dancing with her Native American sisters, and all it gives to them. I could not help but think of our circle, and immediately wrote this. The last few lines in italics are from Harjo's ending.


for Laurie, Natalie, and Annmarie

I call my sisters to gather around the table
as the evening falls, and plates of 
sushi and salad appear before us.
White wine lights the center,
and we talk of our educator lives,
our writing lives, how all
things are practice, how 
all things connect.
We have been writers forever.
I tell my sisters
a pen is a mighty force.
It names what is
and what can be.
It helps us travel through
the mind's many paths
and the heart's opening.
It has the power to thread us through
the dark and dawn
and lead us faithfully to the stars.

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