Thursday, July 26, 2018

Adios, Cinderella

I read Barbara Hamby's poem "Achtung, My Princess, Good Night" today, and thought it didn't inspire.  But very quickly I found it did.  I hope that this does not come across as teachers as superhuman.  That is not my intention at all, and was not in my thoughts.

This made me think of how 
teaching gets glamorized in
unreal ways.  Just recently
I read about this young black
man who had been a drug
dealer but somehow he became
a fourth grade teacher and felt he
was "living a fairy tale" in
August, but by May he was 
quitting and going to law school.
He was held up as a model
of what is wrong in education,
that a young drug dealer can't
hack it. It infuriated me,
mostly because of the fairy
tale. No one made note of the 
fact that he had unreal expectations, 
or that it's the students who lose
in these situations. I once heard a
first year teacher say she thought she
was going to be Michelle Pfeiffer. She only
lasted until February. This is tough work and
it isn't a fairy tale or a movie, it's
real life with real children
and families and social
implications and political wildfire.
Stand in that fire, but don't let
it burn you, that's the maneuver
teachers learn, the skill needed for longevity.
And yes, in time inhaling that
smoke may get exhausting, but at 
least you lived the truth.

At least you didn't think you were Cinderella.

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