Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Love Supreme: Acknowledgement

This letter was inspired by Michael Meade's podcast "A World Upside Down," recent events, Julian of Norwich, and this poem by Sun Bu-er I have been reading every day for over a month and seeking how to apply to my life:

Cut brambles long enough,
Sprout after sprout,
And the lotus will bloom
Of its own accord:
Already waiting in the clearing,
The single image of light.
The day you see this,
That day you will become it.

(And to my friend Annmarie -- a bit of jazz spirit showed up as well.  I guess we are beginning to find the answer to that line in my recent poem.)

Dear Great Creator,

The world as we know it has changed.  All that was hidden is coming forth.  All that was ignored is front and center. None of us can afford to look the other way or forget anymore.

A new world is upon us. It is now that love has to reign supreme, and that our energies be used for the right purposes and practices.  Nothing else will do.

We need to be on the side of renewal, restoration, and ongoing creation.

We must see clearly.

We have been cutting brambles long enough -- now the lotus may bloom, as we become the images of light needed in this world.

We are becoming the people we've waited for.  We are writing the book we wish to read.  We are adding our uniquely colored thread to the great tapestry.

All will be well.
All will be well.
In all manner of things will be well.

Helen  2/20/18

The handwritten letter placed in my God Jar.

Musical connection:  John Coltane, "A Love Supreme Part 1: Acknowledgement"

I will wait and listen to find the letters and prayers that go with the next part: Resolution.

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