Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Drawing Myself to a Fuller Size

A weird thing happened over the past few years.  I began to feel my goals and direction would remain the same.  I didn't see a need to expand much.  I thought I was "done."

Then came Walking in This World by Julia Cameron, the follow-up program to The Artist's Way.  One of the first things Julia has us do is discover that we have greater dimensions than we are allowing.

And I discovered she was right.

I wrote this last Saturday, and meant to post.  But I've been sick for three weeks and just never got myself to it. 

Today, however, it wouldn't let go. And I'm feeling back to myself. I credit seeing my awesome writing friends last night for putting me finally over the edge.  I'm ready to participate in life again.

And I felt that I have to put this on my blog so I remember.

Drawing Myself to a Fuller Size.

I am a fiction writer.
How long have I known this? Thousands of words have erupted and so much satisfaction in storytelling when I get it right.  I have time and I have the space. I will write that novel.

I can draw. 
I just haven't practiced enough.  I have just not opened myself to learning. A few fits and starts over the years, yes, I was able. So many years ago the delight of drawing was robbed from me. 
 I'm 62.  It is time to claim it back.

I can play electric guitar.  
I've played it before. I can learn the blues and play along with "Kerosene." I can learn the riffs and the lines. I can play rhythm. I just need to plug in, tune up, smile.  Rock-n-roll is in my heart. 
 I am a musician.

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