Saturday, September 9, 2017

Waiting and Believing

We are ready, and the long wait for the hurricane to arrive has begun. I have been contemplating what kind of space I am in, and it is clear to me that although it feels like some kind of weird gray space, that isn't the case at all. We still have the sky, even when cloudy and volatile. We still have the greenery around us and now in the house, as our outdoor plants now grace the wall of the living room.  Waiting for a hurricane is a whole new way to understand blue space and green space.

Today, once again, I was highly inspired by the poet Czeslaw Milosz -- this time his poem called "Report."  I wrote my own, using his first and last lines.

O Most High, you willed to create me a poet

And I can see the world no other way.

My house feels full of joy for those who worked to protect us. 
I am strong and unafraid. I have mighty helpers,

not the least is this writing I do, my daily poems, seeing life
as express-worthy, being the one to find the words.

It feels to be a flaw at times, this focus on the best of us.
Some might call me delusional.

But I believe in miracles -- they replace all fear.

I believe I live in a time of strife because I have something to offer.

I pray. I meditate. I contemplate.

I practice gratitude and compassion.

At every sunrise I renounce the doubts of night
and greet the new day of a most precious delusion.

Shortly after writing the poem, I came across this photo on Facebook.  I felt it confirmed all I had written.  Some may say I'm naive to believe the way I do. But I trust there is a sacred presence; and that makes everything better.

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