Friday, September 8, 2017

"Everything passes through us, transformed"

Today while getting ready for a major storm, the biggest of my life, I read a poem called "Paper Wasp" by Nick Flynn. I used the word transform for an acrostic, something that has been on my mind, and the minds of so many of my friends and family here in Southwest Florida. 

May we be well.


Today you may not be looking closely enough at how the world is changing.

Revolutions are small; they happen in the heart. They will not be televised or

Advertised; they occur in a moment. Like miracles. You may

Not be aware that the winds swirling around us have swirled before,

Someone somewhere has already suffered what you are suffering. Get a grip.

Freedom comes when you know it is your heart that changes the form.

Our hearts. This energy passing through is the only thing that causes transformation.

Remember your part. Don't take it lightly.  "Be the change" as the famous quote goes.

Miracles are nothing more than this.

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