Monday, June 3, 2024

It’s the Little Things

A few months back, I discovered a band out of Oregon called Kristin Grainger and True North. They are contemporary folk, and I enjoy their music. It's wonderful for my coffee and journaling time.

A song that catches my attention each time is one written by one of the guys in the band. "It's the Little Things" is a sweet tune, and always brings me back to what is most important to remember about life every single day.

The end of the school year snuck up on me quickly, and even though I thought about it, I never put a year end survey in front of my kids. I like doing that because it gives me feedback on how they saw the class and felt about their learning. I usually get some good feedback about my teaching as well.

And here is where the "little things" started showing up, unbidden. A girl came to me with a little piece of art.

Another handed me a butterfly sticker that said “Teach Love Inspire." One did a coloring page and wrote Thank You, Ms. Sadler and gave it to me. I received some handwritten cards. I had kids walking by me on the last day calling out goodbyes, stopping for hugs, and saying things like, "I loved the class" and "best teacher ever."

These comments, planned or spontaneous, made me feel good. They are small things, but they matter.

As it says in the song below: Little things stay around / While the big things wear down

The school year may be over, but these moments live on.

Take a few minutes and listen to this live version of "It's the Little Things."

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