Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Comfort Food Cure

This image popped up on my coloring app, and I knew I had to color it, and report the memory it inspired.

Jim and I took a trip out west in April 1986. We flew to Albuquerque, spent a couple of days there and in other parts of New Mexico and Utah, drove to Gallup and stayed overnight, and then hit the road to Flagstaff. We were taking I-40 across, which is the old U.S. Route 66.

Growing up in Ohio, my world was always green, unless it was winter, and then it was white. After a few days out west, the amount of brown totally displaced me. There was so little green, and the large, vast landscapes were beautiful, but foreign. I felt out of sorts and sad. I realized I was homesick.

At that time I recalled that when our family traveled, my dad never wanted to go into random restaurants. We had to go to trusted chains where we knew what we were getting. I realized that while in New Mexico we had tried a lot of different cuisine, and I was ready for something familiar. I knew that could set me right.

In some unknown Arizona town we found a Denny’s. I have no idea what I ate there, but I do know it set me right. We continued our trip to the Petrified Forest and beyond, and the rest of the trip was full of amazing discoveries and delicious local food.

Feeling fine in the Petrified Forest, April 1986

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