Friday, April 12, 2024

Taylor & Adelynn to the Rescue


The other day I wrote in “Crevices” about some frustrations in getting a major project done in my Global Perspectives classes. We are coming down the wire on this, presentations have begun, and the major players are coming through with flying colors!

Two of these were 8th period girls, Taylor and Adelynn. They did a stellar presentation on the effect of food allergies on teens’ diet and lifestyle. What they really did was provide a beautiful template to help answer the question “How do I put together my slideshow?”

I had resisted providing a template for the students because I need them to practice that communication skill, to work through their information and organize it. They needed some fruitful struggle. But some of them did need that help getting that final step done, and Taylor and Adelynn provided the perfect model. I have shared with all my classes, and it did help some of them finally dive into the work.

On another note, I’m starting to notice more than ever how my continued absences has affected me and them. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it, but it helps create a bit more compassion and built my determination to do something totally different. I’ve pulled out my good ol’ Titanic project, and am getting that together to begin introducing to classes, starting with my intensive readers today. We all need a break from the horribly dull curriculum, and I’m smiling big just thinking about it!

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