Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday Morning

My word for the year is EMERGE, and I keep thinking I should write about it. Somehow, the process of emerging is hard to see and report on.

A couple of connected inspirations came my way today, quotes to contemplate. The first is from Anne Lamotta’s essay “Minus Tide:”

…the question is how do you notice your own life force now?

I don’t have an answer except to say that the last two nights I slept exceptionally well, and I feel stronger because of it.

The other is from Rumi’s poem “Silkworms:”

Without legs, we fly.

I don’t have a comment ready for that one yet. Going to take it into my day and see.

I somehow think both of these are related to emerging, and I need more time to observe how they connect to my daily life.

Meanwhile, I’m grateful for the wisdom of these sages. It reminds me we all have important work to do, and the capacity to do it.

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