Thursday, April 4, 2024

Grabbing Inspiration

 This morning before going to work, I looked for writing inspiration, and didn't find much.

I decided the day must be going to provide, so I went to work with that intention. And I was not disappointed.

It was state writing test day, and I had a wonderful group of fifteen, mostly kids I know. Once I completed the seating chart and made some rounds, I decided I wanted to get something written. But what?

It was 11:11 a.m. when it hit me -- I could write about these kids. Use acrostic style. It kept me busy the rest of the time. I thought I'd just write a few, but I ended up writing one for each kid. These are far from masterpieces, but it captures an hour or so of my day. I'm happy with that.

Grabbing her pencil
Recording, noting, thinking on paper
Able to process and produce
Caring about getting it right
Ever dynamic, ever Grace.
Annie sits cross-legged
Not really into this
Not that it is difficult for her
In fact, maybe too
Easy. She doesn't let it show.
Kneading his eyelashes,
Yellow paper full of notes
Leaning in, Kyler
Endures in this setting
Rended away from all distraction 

Does he have the sweetest smile?
Yes, Dylan does. A kind nature
Layered with effort and follow-through
Always giving 100% to it all
Never giving up.

A totally different person here, not the
Version I see in class, Ava
Answers the required call. Nice to see.

Although I don't really know her
She seems like a good person
Hood on as she takes pieces and
Links her essay together.
Evidently she is someone
You are glad to have around.

Ja'Rod in the very back of the room
Arranged himself behind a divider
Revealing a good effort to succeed
Often divisive, but not today as he
Demands the best of himself.
She cracks us all up
Her knowledge and statements
Ever succinct, to the point
Likable in that quirky, nerdy way
Better alone, but not lonely, Shelby is
Your typical I-know-who-I-am-get-over-it soul.
Maybe she would rather be singing
Arrests us all with her voice, Mary
Rides on a wave of artistry
Young, free, and beautiful.
Embracing, engaging
Very focused
Evelynne cares
Locks in
Yields to
No one, 
Not afraid to 
Enter the zone

Josue, what can I say?
One cool dude
Soccer player extraordinaire
Unsung hero
Everyone is a fan.

Best when she can
Read and sit quietly.
I admire her focus and 
Determination to be in her
Generous space. Bridget
Engages when ready,
Taps in to the necessary.
Emmerson shines
Modern girl
Model pretty
Eager to please
Respectful, caring
Strong, friendly
One bright star in a
Night sky 

Just a girl
Amid the others
Simply does what is
Most required
I don't really know Jasmine
Not that it is an issue!
Each of us just doing our job today.

Comes from Brazil
American as heck
Maybe Camille
Illustrates we are who we are most
Likely to be -- it works for her!
Little lazy perhaps... but 
Ever lilting, lovely, and likeable.

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