Friday, April 19, 2024

Busy Day Ahead

It has been a busy week, and today will be the busiest. Lots of presentations on the schedule, and I’m covering for a colleague during my planning. That will leave me about 20 minutes to take a breather.

So as I finished my coffee, I went to my coloring app and found this dandelion picture to color. It caused me to reflect on the fact that daffodils are one of the main things I miss living in Florida.  

Maybe later today I’ll add something on to this daily post. But for now, I’m just taking a deep breath with the daffodils before getting into the fray.

ADDENDUM—Today was not bad. Witnessed a lot of great presentations, one class had time for a dance party, one had a game of Silent Ball, my 6th graders started the Titanic project, and I’m not nearly as tired as I anticipated. Came home and found my husband had ordered us a new computer, as ours are slowly dying…and he switched us off our expensive cell phone plan on to one way more reasonable. Thank you AARP discounts! 

On to the weekend! 

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