Sunday, March 24, 2024

Our Pilgrim Journey

The chemo caught up with Jim on Friday afternoon and into Saturday. Gratefully, he seems better today.


My brother John and his wife Gail had planned to visit in February, but when things happened with Jim’s health, they decided (rightfully) now was not the best time. They went to St. Augustine instead. I told my brother to send pictures, which he finally did yesterday.

Once I saw his photos, I went to look for ours from our first visit there in 1985. I found a picture of me I didn’t even remember existed.

I thought of that picture today when I read a poem called “Hawthorn” by David Whyte. In it, he’s comparing a relationship to a knot in a hawthorn tree.

I particularly loved the last verse. It reminded me of the photo I had discovered, as well as speaking to this time in our life, our marriage, our reason for being. I will end with those words:

Our pilgrim journey,
apart or together,
the thirst
of everything
to find its true form,
the grain of the wood
round the hatched knot
toward the light.

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