Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Sun and the Moon

 Inspired by Nikita Gill’s poem by the same name.

I am the sun in my classroom.
It is my role to shine a light on my learners.
They are in various phases, sometimes might even appear broken.
Yet, they are whole within themselves
and my job is to find ways to make them glow.

I say this in the wake of hearing and reading
so much rigidity from teachers.

The sun is not rigid.
It delights.
It warms.
It makes things grow.

Where the heck did this idea come from that our students 
are employees and we pay them with grades?

This thinking is anti-sun.
It brings darkness.
It’s arrogant and ignorant and downright mean.

I still recall Michael Meade’s words:
The teacher must stand in the waterfall with her students.

Likewise, I see that I must be the sun.

What better purpose could there possibly be 
than to help others 
glow and grow?

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