Thursday, January 25, 2024

One of Those Days

 It begins when you look at your loved one and you know something is wrong.

Then you find yourself checking him into the emergency room where you spend hours upon hours in a chair, waiting for test results, watching the incredible staff do things you can’t imagine doing, and you don’t eat because you’re not hungry.

Then the doc comes in and says, it isn’t this horrible thing or that horrible thing, but here is all the data and wow, we don’t know what it is, so we need to keep him here.

You’ve called in all the prayer warriors via text, the friends and family, and that iPhone becomes a lifeline to the outside world…the one that isn’t a medical facility.

And by evening your loved one is eating a hospital meal and you know he’s in good hands. You want to get home before dark, and as you leave the sun and sky and tree silhoette whispers

All will be well

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